
River was a 5 year old thoroughbred mare. She was also an ex race horse. How she ended up in the condition she was in, unclear. What we can safely say though is that she is just one of countless ex race horses that end up with a fate worse than death.

River was starved. Emaciated is putting it mildly. A small wound that was left untreated, developed proud flesh. To get rid of it, the (very clueless) previous owner threw acid and alcohol on it, which of course only made things worse. When we rescued River, we were hopeful of a gradual recovery. The proud flesh, though terrifying to look at, was treatable. We had her diet plan, treatment plan and rehabilitation all figured out. 

On her second night with us, post wound treatment and meds, River felt comfortable enough to finally rest. Most unfortunately, given her condition and the extra 10 kilo mass on her leg, she didn’t have the strength to lift herself back up. Things went downhill very quickly as we tried everything to help her stand. She was given plenty of fluids which our vet mentioned should give her enough energy to get back on her feet. Didn’t work. We then worked quickly to lift her with slings and though we managed to get her upright again, she couldn’t support herself as her legs were numb from lying down too long, despite the constant massages to help blood flow. She passed away later that night.

Though she was with us for just two short days, she was loved infinitely.